In our increasingly technological world, we want to offer the opportunity for the Fairview family to be able to give online. You can use this option to facilitate your giving or to cover the costs of camps or retreats.
Before giving we want you to be aware of the process. There is a processing fee for each transaction just like when you use your debit or credit card at the store. In the commercial world that fee is covered by the price of milk or argyle sweaters. In the non-profit sphere the processing fee is paid by either the organization receiving the funds or the person contributing.
The processing fee for credit or debit cards is 2.9% plus $.30.
(ex. If you give $100 the processing fee is $3.20. The church will receive $96.80)
The processing fee for ACH (from your checking account) is 1%.
(ex. If you give $100 the processing fee is $1.00. The church will receive $99.
For a detailed explanation of percentages
click here.