A Stairway
What does it mean to focus on the Lord? How can we help communicate the truth of the gospel to the next generation? Genesis 28 helps us understand more about these issues through an exploration of Jacob's encounter with the Lord at Bethel.
Small Group Lesson for Explore the Bible Spring 2024.
0:00 - Intro
01:42 - DREAMING (GENESIS 28:10-12)
5:27 - PROMISED (GENESIS 28:13-15)
10:46 - THE GATE OF HEAVEN (GENESIS 28:16-17)
13:05 - THE VOW (GENESIS 28:18-22)
16:37 - Conclusion
Resources Used in this Week's Lesson
Explore the Bible Leader Guide (ETB LG)
Explore the Bible Personal Study Guide (ETB PSG)
New American Commentary: Genesis 1A (NAC)
Holman Old Testament Commentary: Genesis (HOTC)
Preaching the Word: Genesis (Preaching)
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